The Global Denim® team understands that the future of our business depends on taking care of the resources we have today, Water is the most important substance on earth, without water there would be no life. One of the biggest problems we face in our industry is the excessive usage of water. In order to save and preserve this valuable resource we have worked hard and came up with a new revolutionary solution; the Ecolojean.
In the conventional indigo dying process, the yarn passes through six washing boxes. The average consumption/discharging of in this process is of 20 m3/h.
The Ecolojean® process in difference, has ZERO water discharging to the water treatment plant.
The Ecolojean® technology it’s a revolutionary process in terms of sustainability and ecology compared to everything else on the market.
It provides the following benefits;
No water discharging
Less energy consumption
Less dye consumption
Less CO2 footprint
Our Ecolojean® process is certified by the Bureau Veritas Association.
Our Ecolojean® process is certified by the Bureau Veritas Association.