Because this is our planet too, and we care about global warming and reducing our carbon footprint, Global Denim® has been actively involved in the protection and preservation of the environment since its startup.

We always stand behind sustainable practices. We’re committed to state-of-the-art waste treatments, consuming green and lower energy, and we are committed to Recycling our resources wherever is possible.
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The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share

– Lady Bird Johnson

We have the best industry certifications including

Phone Numbers

Mexico City / Main Office
Phone: +52 (55) 53-58-49-09
Fax: +52 (55) 55-76-57-16

Puebla / Denim Mill
Phone: +52 (248) 48-40-632
Fax: +52 (248) 48-40-699

Los Angeles / US Office
Phone: +1(323) 968-1059

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